A blessed Thursday to you and yours.

What are your plans for the day? Any prayer requests?

First thing first though, sing with me to my Maria♥

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you Maria!~ Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you.!~♥

I’m off to work being a fashion beauty today while being courteous and nice from 7 to 3:30. Will see how it goes after.lol♥

Randy’s driving me to work.

I miss you Bev..lol♥

I’ll catch up with all of you later.

Lord, You alone are my portion and my cup; You make my lot secure. Psalm 16:5

blessings, angela


  1. Well here I sit and wait for hubby to get ready so he can take me to work. grrrrrrrr…Still need to curl my hair. Thankful for the ride but like he said about his schedule…’screws up my schedule’. Ya, mine too.LOL. I don’t get to sit around and have my first cup of coffee..Oh well, I’m thankful and grateful for a ride. ♥

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  2. Good morning!! At least it is for me. I really need to get back to sleep soon. Had a wonderful day of giving my food to the Lord. And I literally had to do so this morning when whatever my son was cooking smelled SO good!! Thank You, Father, for being with me and enabling me to resist the temptation.

    Hope you’re having a wonderful day at work!!

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    • It was a crazy busy day. My goodness gracious, organized chaos let’s say. Thankful that I kept my eyes on the Lord and remained focused. It’s awesome when He gives us that supernatural strength to resist the call to this addiction too food♥


  3. A few times while I was working I felt the Holy Spirit speak to my heart and say..’believe the best’, ‘He desires to give you the best’, I also sensed Him say to me..’you are quick to think the negative, you need to be quick on believing the positive outcome first, not questioning the events with the world’s mentality but Christ’s mind.’♥


  4. “the solution to fear is the presence of God”. I’ve been reminding myself of that lately. I have to work real hard to do it because the fear is trying to drive me into a panic attack, to flee, to run, to forget that I have this!~ It’s so awesome, and that is not even a good word to describe it, this sense of freedom when you face your fears and rise…When you have faced your fears laying down, or bent over, or curled up in a ball and than you rise.It was a rough day at work.It was a rough day at home. It’s been a rough one and I told God that I don’t want to deal with any of them….and I hear Him say, ‘than hand your cares over to me”


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