Sunday is our get up early and go grocery shopping.

We started this ritual/routine during #lockdown when it was the safest, best time to go, line up’s small and your out with your purchases sooner then later.

By 9 a.m. we typically finish off shopping at two stores (sometimes three) and are home unpacking.

Today while walking through the isles, I noticed a magazine with the title Intermittent Fasting. I noticed after placing this one back, that there was another one as well. Monthly magazines totally devoted to living an intermittent fasting lifestyle.

15 years ago I began my journey with intermittent fasting, not thinking it would be a lifestyle but grateful it has become that way.

blessings, Angela


Photo by Ylanite Koppens on

It’s been raining all day long.

All day.

Today has been an “out of the bed kind of day”. I’ve been in bed since Wednesday. Under the weather.

This morning I journaled in bed, did some posting of Positive Affirmations on Social Media platforms I’m sharing at on a daily basis, laundry has begun. Some food prepping has been happening.

All in my pj’s and housecoat.

Cancelled going to Dad’s place to do the weekly clean. I let him know I will be stopping by tomorrow. I do enjoy these weekly clean the home for him. I know my mom would definitely be happy with me keeping an eye on her home that she decorated, cooked, baked and held many dinner parties for friends and family.

I forgot, I painted my toenails this morning too!~ They look oh so pretty and not gnarly ugly old lady toes.

Now I’m heading back to get some more laundry folded and put away…and maybe throw another load in.

I think it’s time for me to rest as well and take a breather. Do some reading, more resting.

Blessings beautiful people



Photo by Lum3n on


Or should I say HAPPY NEW YEAR!~ 2023!~

Close to three months since I posted here.


Life is flying by. Our youngest grandchild is going to be 10 months tomorrow!~


I just celebrated 5 year work anniversary at Value Village yesterday.

I’ve been in bed for the last two full days with a knock me out cold/allergy/Covid? Whatever, I’ve been taking care of me and getting the rest I have needed.

I’m still living an intermittent fasting lifestyle, going on 15 years now. I can honestly say I have released 150 lbs and have maintained the weight loss for over 10 years.

I remember back in the day, when I was blogging every single day. Now I’m busy posting on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook. So many changes. So much growth. So much healing. So much transformation. So much transmutation.

So I think I’ve caught up a bit from last year 2022!~

blessings beautiful people,
