There are still blessings when we are suffering.

Just ask any mother holding her new born child for the first time after suffering hours of grueling labor.

Weeks  and weeks of suffering through the side effects of radiation and chemo therapy, the blessing of knowing you are cancer free.

I have suffered with depression on and off my entire life.

Even as a small child I have memories of the depression coming over me,  but back then I didn’t know why I was feeling the way I did.

A warrior princess sister, daughter of the most high God left me a message today on Facebook, telling me I’m an encourager.

This was my reply back to her:

Not only am I an encourager, but I’m a MIGHTY warrior and will do battle, standing in the gap for you and yours and NOT back down from the enemy who is trying to steal,kill and destroy you. Jesus Christ has come to give you an abundant life Annette Loomis as well as mine. It may NOT look like we have abundant lives right now to the world since everything has crumbled all around us, but we don’t look at that for they are temporary, we are looking at the eternal…God’s blessings upon our lives…Hang in there and start speaking the end results, NOT the now stuff…I’m praising God through this storm girl, join me.

We are NOT alone in our sufferings…..We are blessed.

God is for us and not against us.

blessings angela



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